see how great Bharat, where celebrating everyday with moral

see how great Bharat, where celebrating everyday with moral
(Dev Singh Rawat on Sunday, 07 August 2011 at 12:52)

whenever i reading about friend day, teacher day, nation day,child day, love day and father day etc. i laugh and wonder. i thing i come in another world. because in our society or nation Bharat every day is friend day, every day is mother and father day and etc . Not only these day in our country every moment is dedicate to god, parent, friend, love and others too, who give us this wonderful world. I now this is new trend those who has no moral in their own life and society to these thing , they celebrate one day in name of these valuable relation. In our society and culutre these thing is not for demo its always keep in mind and heart with great responsibilities.


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